We are customer integrators

Let us help you become more customer centric, by a clear customer strategy, smart data solutions and the best technologies.

Adapt Clear Value is a Netherlands based company. We help our clients to build two skills:
(1) understand your customers based on (big) data, and
(2) use this new customer knowledge to improve, change and grow your unique brand and customer processes 24/7.
We help you let your customer, as it were, get inside the capillaries of Marketing, Sales, Operations, Product Development and Management. We integrate new customer insights into your business strategy, processes, metrics and in the underlying systems. Customer data based insights allow you to pinpoint flaws in your proposition and find points for improvement in the customer journey. And to act on these facts before your customers considers to take their business elsewhere. Integrated customer insights help you to detect and adapt quickly and keep growing. We are specialists in this field: that is why we are The Customer Integration Company.

Our services

Portrait of Frans Melenhorst: Founder of Adapt Clear Value

Our story: How it all started

Adapt Clear Value was started in 2013 by Frans Melenhorst as Clear Value. In a multi-company building in the woods of Soesterberg, Frans had been active in loyalty and customer marketing for years and was involved in the launch of Air Miles and the Albert Heijn Bonus card, and in the development of new ecommerce formats at Wehkamp, based on new customer insights. The systematic collection and application of customer data was still in its infancy. And even then he was surprised that the data that was collected – with the consent of customers – was hardly ever used to pleasantly surprise that same customer: with a nicer store or website, with better assortments, and with better services that were tailored to those same customers. All that happened was bombarding customers with promotions they didn’t want.

[Our story continues below]


It then became clear to him that the problem was not in collecting data, but in how you had to translate that customer data into better insights, into profound understanding of customers, and into better offers, better experiences and even better stores for loyal customers. There were plenty of books about this, but the real question from many management teams was: “How do you do that? How? How do I adjust my processes, management and skills in such a way that we really work in a customer-focused way?”

Customer-centric working turns out to be a change in ways of working and thinking

Becoming customer-centric requires reliable data, that’s for sure. But the real change that was not made in practice was in adapting processes and thinking and working methods based on customer data. That is a change process in which employees must be included and on which Frans has started to focus with Clear Value. And since 2022 as Adapt Clear Value, with a growing team of customer data strategists, analysts, customer engagement professionals and a network of additional professionals.

Customer Integration

In essence, becoming customer obsessive revolves around two things alone: understanding your customers well on the basis of customer data, and translating that new knowledge 24/7 into the best store, the best ecommerce site; the best services and the best customer experience. So you basically integrate the customer in all processes that ensure that customers are positively surprised and will revisit your brand. We have come to call this customer integration.

What we do

Our clients

Join us!

Adapt Clear Value is growing, so we are constantly looking for experienced customer strategists, customer marketeers and customer data analysts. Check our career opportunities or send us a message.

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