Onze visie

In onze visie is de consument de baas. Al lang trouwens. Zij bepaalt wat ze nodig heeft en wanneer. En als je als retailer of andere organisatie daarnaar luistert en levert, dan ben je relevant. En groei je in plaats van dat je failliet gaat. Het probleem voor veel bedrijven is: hoe doe je dat zonder 40 man voor aan te moeten nemen? Hoe pas je je processen daarop aan? Welke tools heb je hiervoor echt nodig.

Onze missie

De meeste retailers, ecommerce- en hospitalitybedrijven begrijpen dat ze relevanter moeten zijn om klanten te winnen en te behouden. De echte vraag is hóe je dat doet, zonder in bekende valkuilen te stappen of bijna failliet te gaan door te grote investeringen in Martech.

Het is onze missie om als onafhankelijk en betrouwbaar specialist zoveel mogelijk bedrijven in retail, ecommerce, hospitality en leisure te helpen om daadwerkelijk de klanten centraal te stellen door een heldere klantdatastrategie te formuleren, door klantdata in één platform samen te brengen en die data dagelijks te vertalen in de beste winkel, ecommerce site, hotelvestiging of leisure park en de beste klantervaring. Door m.a.w. de klant – in de vorm van kennis uit data – te integreren in alle relevante delen van het bedrijf.

Adapt Clear Value's core value

Onze kernwaarden

Adapt Clear Value heeft vijf kernwaarden, die ons helpen om tot de beste klant(data)oplossingen te komen voor onze klanten: Integriteit, Sensitiviteit, Serendipiteit, Nieuwsgierigheid and Creativiteit.


We know what we can deliver and what not. We will indicate who can help you better if we cannot do it ourselves. Integrity also means that we think and act customer-centered in everything. So we examine – in your interest – what is really valuable for your customers, and take that as the starting point for our change proposals. Read more about our value ‘Integrity’ below.


The basic requirement for us is our ability to truly understand our clients and their customers. We need to be able to empathize with you, your market position, your ambitions, goals and issues. And with your customers and their world, in order to determine how our work will have the most effect for both your customers and your company.


Our goal is to deliver clear value to our clients in everything we do. In doing so, we sometimes go above and beyond what we agreed that we would do for you, if we think that this will help you and your customers best. Matching and exceeding expectations and making customers happy is what makes our work fun for us.


We’re always on; always busy with our profession. This means that we also continuously keep our ears and eyes open for innovations: with our clients, in the market place, in the world of new technologies and solutions. But always with one thing in mind: is there clear value in it for our clients and your customers?


As curious and excited as we are, we always automatically make the assessment in our thinking: “Can we translate this in a practical and valuable way for our clients?” We are precise in this respect: our goal is not to be creative or innovative at all costs, but above all to keep the propositions of our clients relevant and distinctive for their customers. So innovation always must serve a purpose.


“Integrity is the basis in everything we do. We are honest about what we can do and cannot do. Our advice, solutions and transitions are based on deep knowledge, years of experience and sound understanding of our clients business; they are always in the best interest of our client and may sometimes differ from what our client had in mind.
The fact that we are software independent is also very important for our customers: it guarantees that we will choose and implement the software solution for them (be it a CDP or CRM system or any other solution) that suits them best. We deliberately are not a partner of CDP or CRM suppliers and we always refuse commissions or kickback fees from parties we work with.” -Frans Melenhorst, Managing Director of Adapt Clear Value